Frequently Asked Questions

Your practice's financial success is our mission. With Claim Catalyst, you can rest assured you will always be getting industry-leading discounting rates, paired with the fastest turnaround times.

Is Claim Catalyst HIPAA compliant?
Does Claim Catalyst impact our credit score?
What happens if Claim Catalyst funds a claim that is not repaid by a payor?
Does Claim Catalyst require us to change our current billing procedures?
Are there a minimum number of claims we need to submit every month?
How much immediate cash flow can we expect?
Are there other benefits to working with Claim Catalyst?
Is Claim Catalyst HIPAA compliant?
Does Claim Catalyst impact our credit score?
What happens if Claim Catalyst funds a claim that is not repaid by a payor?
Does Claim Catalyst require us to change our current billing procedures?
Are there a minimum number of claims we need to submit every month?
How much immediate cash flow can we expect?
Are there other benefits to working with Claim Catalyst?
Is Claim Catalyst HIPAA compliant?
Does Claim Catalyst impact our credit score?
What happens if Claim Catalyst funds a claim that is not repaid by a payor?
Does Claim Catalyst require us to change our current billing procedures?
Are there a minimum number of claims we need to submit every month?
How much immediate cash flow can we expect?
Are there other benefits to working with Claim Catalyst?
Is Claim Catalyst HIPAA compliant?
Does Claim Catalyst impact our credit score?
What happens if Claim Catalyst funds a claim that is not repaid by a payor?
Does Claim Catalyst require us to change our current billing procedures?
Are there a minimum number of claims we need to submit every month?
How much immediate cash flow can we expect?
Are there other benefits to working with Claim Catalyst?

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Copyright © 2024 Claim Catalyst

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Copyright © 2024 Claim Catalyst

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Copyright © 2024 Claim Catalyst

Get immediate liquidity on your medical claims.

Copyright © 2024 Claim Catalyst